We’re excited to share news about a new treatment that is kinder and gentler to your skin and to your body.
Go Into the (Red) Light for Anti-Ageing
Red light therapy is a new (or at least new-ish) approach to skin rejuvenation.
Wrinkle Relaxers – Not Just for Wrinkles!
You never know from where the next revolutionary advancement in beauty will come!
The Good Age Guide to Cosmetic Surgery
This is a question we hear often at Costhetics, but the answer is complicated.
Smoke and Mirrors – What Is Smoking Doing To Your Face?
We all know that smoking contributes to facial ageing. But how big a difference does it actually make?
Sisters, Are We Doing It For Ourselves?
Rather than sitting in judgment over others’ motivations, perhaps we should examine what has contributed to shaping and forming our own attitudes towards cosmetic surgery.
Youth Potions
Thanks to their minimally invasive nature, relative affordability and convenience, injectable treatments have become the most popular cosmetic treatments worldwide.
How To Look Your Best – At Every Age!
Means to achieve facial rejuvenation fall within a wide spectrum.
Why Men Are Like Fine Wine
Have you ever looked at a man and woman who are the same age and wondered why the man looks significantly younger than the woman does?
Is Your Diet Ageing You?
For years, doctors have been warning us about being in the sun without protection, and by now we all know that too much sun can be harmful.