People today are turning to online forums, message boards and other online sources for information on just about everything, including advice on which surgeon to go to for cosmetic surgery.
Beauty Ideals Around The World
Let’s find out what’s hot and where!
Myths And Facts About Cosmetic Surgery
Although more and more Australians are opting for cosmetic surgery, a few persistent myths still float around. We’ll look at some to understand why they are just myths, not reality.
If you’re trying to improve your profile, think not just about nose reshaping, but also about how the jaw, chin and neck area affect the profile.
The Risk of Google-Diagnosis
Thanks to the internet, today’s cosmetic medicine and surgery consumers are better informed than consumers of previous generations.
Is There A Cure For Eczema And Psoriasis?
At present, the medical profession considers eczema and psoriasis to be incurable skin diseases…
Is Your Diet Ageing You?
For years, doctors have been warning us about being in the sun without protection, and by now we all know that too much sun can be harmful.
Are Women So Different From Men?
In this article we discuss all the feminisation procedures, including facial feminisation surgery (FFS).
A Brief History of Cosmetic Surgery
In the very beginning, cosmetic surgery’s goal was to help people correct physical deformities they were either born with or sustained as a result of war.
Mirror Mirror, Want To Go To Russia? – Do Australian Women Look In the Mirror More Than Anyone Else?
What do Aussie women have in common with Queen Elizabeth I of England?