Are you a 90210 or a 2000 kinda person?
6 Ways Your Vagina Shows Its Age
The Costhetics research team created this article to help you discover precisely how your lady parts change, transition, and transform as you age.
Why You Need to Get Fat
Before you grab a spoon and your favourite ice cream, let us explain…
Costhetics 2015 Trend Report
Australians spent $93 Million on tattoos in 2012. Why are we so interested?
Who’s Got The Winter Blues?
Since Australia is arguably the sunniest place on the planet, our Costhetics researchers began to wonder:
Why do 1 in 4 Australian adults have a vitamin D deficiency?
Costhetics Goes Behind Closed Doors – Part 2
We take you behind surgical doors to find out what doctors top procedures are.
Costhetics Goes Behind Closed Doors – Part 1
We were recently privy to some information that was simply too good not to share.
Can Exercise Give You the Perfect Backside?
Wanna get a booty like J’Lo? Read on!
Joan Rivers
Costhetics celebrate’s Joan Rivers and her amazing career that spanned six decades.
A Wave of Tattoo Regret
One topic that seems to be occupying a lot of our readers’ minds is body art and how to remove unwanted tattoos.