Laser Eye Surgery (LASIK)

Laser Eye Surgery (LASIK)

Normal vision is only possible when the light entering the eye becomes focused on the retina at the back of the eye. When vision fails, surgery to correct the specific refractive error may help. LASIK stands for laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis. This surgery...
Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Headaches

Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Headaches

Anti-wrinkle injections and its effectiveness on headaches is in the news again. The Journal of the American Medical Association recently published the results of a review on the effectiveness of the key ingredient in anti-wrinkle injections, in preventing headaches...
The Big Sell on Stem Cells

The Big Sell on Stem Cells

Why stem cells are valuable Stem cells have two defining characteristics which make them valuable: their capacity to self-renew by division; and their capacity to differentiate, giving rise to specialised cells. To use a simple analogy, these specialised cells may be...
Men are from Cosmetically Enhanced Mars

Men are from Cosmetically Enhanced Mars

Recent statistics show that Australian men are catching up to the global trend and are increasingly opting for cosmetic procedures. The 2012 annual survey conducted by the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia (CPSA) in collaboration with Costhetics.com.au...
Pick a Good Foundation with Dr Van Park

Pick a Good Foundation with Dr Van Park

Dr Park says that working with lasers and injectables feels like an extension of a make-up brush in their ability to contour and lift the face. “Just as you can use highlighting creams and powders to create the illusion of a higher cheekbone, fuller pout or straighter...

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